March 17, 2017

Need a Smart Snacks Refresher? We’ve Got an Infographic for That!

Are you the advisor for a business class or club that runs your school store? Do you organize the Valentine’s Day fundraising for your school’s PTO? Are you responsible for stocking the vending machines outside the locker rooms? If yes, then we’ve got something for YOU.

Everyone who plays a role in students’ food and beverage choices at school should know about the USDA’s Smart Snack in School standards. Smart Snacks have been in play since July, 2014, but it’s never too late for a refresher about which foods and beverages are required to meet these national standards. Now, our new infographic is making it easy for you to get up to speed and spread the word with the rest of your school community.


How should you use this infographic?

Start by right-clicking the infographic, and selecting "Open image in new tab." 

Print it out and hang it in the school building in locations where staff, parents and students will see it, including:

  • The main office
  • The cafeteria
  • Bulletin boards
  • Vending machines
  • The student store

Email a copy to key stakeholders, including:

  • Members of your PTO
  • Teachers responsible for stores or snack carts
  • Vending machine operators
  • Other vendors who provide food and beverages to your school
  • Students who sell foods and beverages at school
  • School wellness council members


Looking for more information about Smart Snacks?

The Healthy Schools Program has many more Smart Snacks resources to help you not only brush up on what the standards require but also find student-approved products that meet the standards. Check out a few of our favorites:


Still have Smart Snacks questions? Share them with us in our school nutrition online community.