Melrose Elementary School Earns Silver by Creating a Healthier Environment

Melrose Elementary School - Miami, FL

The Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program helps schools improve access to healthier foods; increase physical activity opportunities before, during and after the school day; enhance nutrition education; and establish staff wellness programs to build a healthier school environment. The Healthy Schools Program recognizes schools that succeed in addressing these areas at the Bronze, Silver, and Gold level. Melrose Elementary School in Miami, FL received the National Healthy Schools Silver Award in 2014.

Melrose Elementary School knows that making incremental changes can lead to a healthier school environment. To increase physical activity, the school added more minutes to their morning “walk and talk” program, a second physical activity break during the school day, and an extra 30 minutes of movement afterschool—all adding up to better fitness. In addition, staff were able to access the school fitness center for more hours each day. “I love the changes we have made at our school,” said teacher Maritza Moreno. Melrose didn’t stop at raising the bar for physical activity, either; the school also participated in the USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and conducted taste testing with students to promote healthier options in the lunch room.