RISE Initiative School Application

RISE Initiative School Application

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Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Healthier Generation), together with Kaiser Permanente, is working with schools and districts to increase student and staff resilience through the Resilience in School Environment (RISE) Initiative.

We would like to provide your school with an opportunity to create a safe and supportive learning environment by developing policies and practices that improve the social-emotional health for all staff and students. With help from Healthier Generation, staff and students will work together to understand, integrate and support the wellness of their entire school.

Through RISE your school will work towards:

  • Increasing staff job satisfaction, including reducing staff stress
  • Improving relationships within the school community
  • Boosting student and staff social-emotional learning
  • Engaging in more positive disciplinary practices
  • Strengthening student and staff mental health support systems

Healthier Generation staff will be working with approximately 30 schools in your region to support schools in implementing RISE, including social-emotional health activities and policies. This process starts with schools creating leadership teams or leveraging existing team structures to facilitate school environmental change.

Healthier Generation staff will also provide professional development and resources, such as customizable technical assistance and a virtual training center with online curricula and on demand trainings, to help achieve your school’s goals.

If interested, submit a signed MOU and complete this application, in consultation with appropriate school staff (i.e. teachers, school support staff, administrators, etc.). This information will help Healthier Generation assess your interest and readiness to participate in the RISE Initiative. You will be notified whether you have been selected.

Thank you for your interest!



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