March 18, 2022

Explore New Foods & Flavors with Your Family

Do you want to help your family enjoy a variety of nutritious foods and connect with your community? Turn any snack or mealtime into a taste test activity!

Leer en español.

Trying new foods and flavors has many whole-child health benefits. For example, preparing and enjoying a meal together can be a meaningful bonding experience for families. And when we know more about how our food is grown and where it comes from, we can gain a deeper sense of connection to our communities.

Plus, trying new foods as a family is a fun way to add nutritional variety to snacks and meals. It also helps young people develop important social-emotional skills, like creativity, awareness of personal preferences, and the willingness to learn and grow.

Want to learn more? Explore New Foods & Flavors from Kohl’s Healthy at Home is a great place to start!

Start Your Taste Test Activity!

Flavor Remix!

We all get into ruts and feel like we’re eating the same things over and over. Wake up your taste buds and try a familiar food in a new way!

Activity: Discover New Ways to Enjoy Your Go-To Foods 

Community Table

Can you think of a food that feels important to your community? Try preparing this food at home and learn about what makes it so special.

Activity: Connect with Your Community Through Food

Snack Switch Up

Are you curious about an unfamiliar food? Is there one you’ve put off trying? Take a chance on something new – you might surprise yourself!

Activity: Get to Know New-to-You Foods and Other Cultures

Explore New Foods & Flavors activities feature fun food ideas to try with your family, like preparation tips, recipes, and some suggestions that get a little silly. They also include these questions to help individuals of all ages express their preferences and what they are learning:

  • What does this taste like to you? Do you like it?
  • What are the ingredients and where do they come from?
  • What can we learn about another place or culture by trying this food?
  • What can we learn about our family or community through this food?

Taste test tip! Remember, you don’t have to like everything, but you won’t know unless you try.

Discover more family-friendly resources that support whole-child health at and Kohl's Healthy at Home en español.

Kohleun Adamson

Manager, Culturally Responsive Communications | Alliance for a Healthier Generation