January 3, 2020

New Day, New Goal

This post is presented by Kohl’s Healthy at Home, highlighting bite-size ways you and your family can positively impact your health and well-being. Learn more at KohlsHealthyAtHome.org.

January is a season of goal-setting – a time to declare our New Year’s resolutions and the healthy changes we and our families will make in the coming months. For many of us, that means pledging to eat healthier, exercise more often, and get more sleep.

These are great goals, but New Year’s resolutions – especially health resolutions – can often feel daunting. And despite our best intentions, it’s easy to lose momentum over time. 

But what if we focused on bite-size health goals instead? Experts suggest that we’re more likely to make sustainable lifestyle changes when we break down our big goals into small, specific, and achievable tasks. Every small win adds momentum to reach our larger goal.

This year, we’re swapping our New Year’s resolutions for daily resolutions – small goals we can accomplish in a day. Want to make big changes to your or your family’s health and well-being in 2022? Start small!

Focus on one of these bite-size goals each day – and make your own – to create long-lasting habits for your family's health:

As you set and achieve small goals, acknowledge and celebrate the steps you're taking to foster health at home. And if you miss a day, show yourself kindness. Rest and reflection are important too!

Through Kohl’s commitment to family health and wellness, you and your family can find nutritious tips, recipes, and resources to make bite-size goals here. What goal are you working toward today? Share with us on social media using the hashtag #KohlsHealthyAtHome.