Administrator Support is Essential to Create Healthier Out-of-School Time Environments “Students perform better and are happier when they are healthy. Afterschool programs can provide a community…
Strong Wellness Policies Support Health Before, During and After School Students who participate in the Florida International After-School All-Stars program are walking more after…
Sweet Success: Saying Goodbye to Candy During Afterschool Time Most children in America consume far too much sugar, which can lead to hyperactivity and increase risk factors…
Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Nutrition Services, Out-of-school time, Smart Snacks Need a Smart Snacks Refresher? We’ve Got an Infographic for That! Are you the advisor for a business class or club that runs your school store? Do you organize the Valentine’s…
Celebrations, Fitness Break, Healthy Out-of-School Time, Out-of-school time, Physical Activity, Social-Emotional Health 7 Ideas to Share Your Love of Healthy Afterschool this Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are 7 simple activities to spread the love and build momentum for healthy out-of…
Breakfast & Lunch, Healthy Celebrations, Healthy Out-of-School Time, Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Out-of-school time Not just a learning environment, a living environment Seat Pleasant Activity Center is the hub of its community. It’s the place kids go when they are not at home…