Evaluate & Communicate

It is important to regularly review your wellness policy and communicate your progress with your district and school community to ensure everyone is on track to meet your wellness goals.

Monitor & Evaluate 

As outlined in The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Final Rule, wellness committees should:

While schools are federally required to report their progress and implementation triennially, you should annually update your Assessment and Action Plan and provide your district with data that tracks progress toward, and compliance with, your local wellness policy requirements.

Use Healthier Generation's Healthy Schools Program End-of-the-Year District Report to capture your data and easily report on your progress to your district and school community.

Communicate Your Progress

Highlight your accomplishments for administrators, parents, students, staff, and community members to help build momentum and support for your wellness policy and other health-promoting practices.

In addition to reporting on your school's wellness progress in monthly newsletters and through social media, ensure your district is sharing information via district-wide communications, such as the district website. This can include a summary of the district’s (or school's) events or activities related to wellness policy implementation, and wellness policy progress reports (check out our Local Wellness Policy Public Update Guide).

Be sure the district annually publicizes the name and contact information of the district or school officials involved in the wellness committee, as well as information on how the public can get involved. 

You can find more ideas in our Communication Checklist.