How to Use the Action Plan

What is the Action Plan?

The Action Plan is a to-do list designed to help keep track of the Assessment items your organization is working on.  

Use it to prioritize, stay organized, and find relevant resources while you make changes at your organization. 

How does it work?

The Action Plan pulls questions from Assessments and allows you to categorize them based on your priority.   

Each organization in the Action Center has one Action Plan. All team members of the organization can use it.  

How do I find the Action Plan?

Once you have logged in to the Action Center and joined a school or district, you’ll be able to see the link for that school or district’s Action Plan.  

On the Dashboard: Each organization you have joined will have a link to the Action Plan 

Once you’re viewing an organization:  

  • Link in left side bar  
  • Link in overview box 

How do I use the Action Plan?

You can add items to your Action Plan one of two ways:  

From the Assessment 

You can add an item directly from an Assessment question. There is a link in the top righthand box and also below the question, above the Save & Next button.  

From the Action Plan 

From the category column you want the item in, click Add item. Then choose which Assessment you’d like to select from. This will provide a list of all questions with their status and a checkbox. Check the items you want to add, then scroll to the bottom to click the Add selected items to the Action Plan button. 

What are categories? 

The columns are categories for you to sort your items into. Move items from one column to another based on its priority or status.  

To move an item to another category, simply drag and drop. Click on the item and drag it to the category you want it to move to. 

To work on Category 

These are Action Plan items you will work on eventually, but aren’t a current priority. 

Items added from the Assessment will automatically go to this category. From there, then you can move items to the category they belong in.  

This year’s goals Category 

  • These are the Action Plan items you want to work on this year.   
  • To help focus your efforts, we suggest 2-5 items for this category. 
  • If an item is a priority for the current school year, move it to this category.  

Done Category 

When an item is done, move it to the Done category. 

For instance, if an item requires ongoing maintenance, it may remain in the Done category without being marked complete. 

Marking an item Complete

Marking an item complete will grey it out, letting you know its complete. It will stay in the category it’s in until you move or remove it from the Action Plan.  

Action Plan Item Detail Page

Each Action Plan item has a detail page. Here you can: 

  • Access resources related to the item 
  • Add tasks for the item
  • Add notes for the item
  • Identify staff roles who should be involved in working on an item 
  • Invite a team member 
  • Change the item’s category 
  • Mark the item complete 
  • Remove the item from the Action Plan 


Track the small steps toward healthy changes with Tasks. To create a task, click the Add task button and type in your description.

You can edit tasks that you've already created by clicking twice on them. If you'd like to order your tasks, click and hold to pick it up and drag it up or down.

Mark tasks complete by checking the box next to it.

Don't need a task anymore? Click the trash icon to the right of the task you want to delete.


Keep track of ideas, comments, and statuses for items using Notes. To create a note, just start typing in the text box and click Save new note.

You can edit a note by clicking on the Edit button next to it, modifying the text, and clicking Update note.

Stay tuned for more features! 

We’re working on additional functionality to help improve your workflow, including: 

  • Add attachments 
  • Assign a team member 
  • Assign a date 

If you have any questions about the Action Plan, please contact our Member Engagement & Support Team.